Foundations for Sexual Integrity

Five one-hour online courses from our Parenting for Purity series that are ACSI approved for CEUs. 

These courses teach the key concepts to talking to children of any age about sex in age appropriate was that are scientifically accurate as well as Biblically sound. While teachers may not be directly involved in sex education with the students they are charged with it is imperative in today’s hyper-sexual culture that everyone who works with children understand what kids are faced with and how to help them through safely.

Pure Parenting Basics discusses fears parents have talking with children about sex and how to work through those. The course then explains what children need to know about God’s design for sex beyond reproduction. We take a look at how the nature of pornography has changed to make it far more damaging to children than in past generations. The course concludes by discussing how emotional awareness is linked to sexual integrity and the kinds of conversations that are most effective in leading a child toward purity.

Pure Parenting Ages 5-8 covers information children these ages need to know and the kinds of conversations that are helpful to them as they relate to safe boundaries, affection, pornography exposure, and emotional growth.

Pure Parenting Ages 9-12 looks in detail how we can build upon emotional awareness developed at younger ages and how to differentiate their emotions from others. We look at ways to help children develop healthy gender identity in the face of cultural pressures to question gender. The course provides guidelines to responding to questions about sex and sexuality and additional information they need to understand about pornography by these ages. 

Preparing for Adolescence takes a unique look at how adolescents are designed to make decisions in unique ways and how that affects their sexuality and relationship with God and others. This includes the interaction between changes in willpower, hormones, the limbic system, and the pre-frontal cortex. The course then lays out two models of beginning accountability for integrity with adolescents.

Pure Parenting Ages 13-18 considers skills teenagers must develop in order to pursue sexual integrity. The content is based on childhood developmental psychology related to emotional growth, biological development, and communication skills. This course describes how emotional awareness assists teens to be more effective in walking away from sexual temptations. The course also discusses how to help teens develop healthy personal and online relationships and develop effective accountability habits.

Important Notice

For teachers earning CEUs

If you want these course to count toward ACSI CEUs, you must notify us by email at [email protected] 

We will then notify ACSI upon your completion of the courses.

Improve Your Skills

Learn how to help parents and children move toward sexual integrity