Tired of Failing Against Sexual Temptation?

The Next 40 Days Will Change Your Life!

There's nothing more soul-destroying than continuing to commit and try and fail with porn or other unwanted sexual behaviors when your heart and relationship with Christ pleads with you to walk well in the area of sex and relationships. And women often feel added shame when they experience unwanted sexual behavior because of the stigma that porn and sexual acting out is a "man's problem." 

When it comes to sexual integrity, too many women have given up on pursuing the kind of abundant life God promises.

The big problem is that giving up is the only solution when you don't feel hope for living a pure life. The problem is multiplied by a lack of instruction, which can include our parents, mentors, churches, and media.

What you really need is a simple and proven process to take all the trying-and-failing out of the way. You need something that starts you in the right direction and keeps you on a clear path. 

This is why we're excited to share with you the 40 days of Purity for Women course!


Here at Pure Life Academy, we've been helping men and women all over the world find hope and freedom for almost 20 years through our association of ministries in what we call the Pure Life Community.

And our "40 Days of Purity for Women" experience provides you with a proven way to invest a few minutes daily to get to the heart of transforming your thinking, your life, and your sense of progress in what you want most: freedom and wholeness.

Here are the kind of Christ-focused benefits you’ll receive over the next 40 days:

  • How to respond to temptation, which means you’ll no longer feel trapped
  • How to manage your thoughts, so you won’t be carried away by them to a bad place
  • How to powerfully address shame and guilt, which means you’ll deeply experience hope and freedom
  • The wisdom of accountability, which means you’ll start enjoying the power of community
  • How to make wiser choices
  • And much, much more...on your way to a better life built on purity

And best of all, once you enroll in the 40 Days course you will receive a daily 'bite-sized' lesson written by women, for women, that will help you progress a step at a time. We aren't dumping all the info at once, but offering a reasonably targeted insight for you to build a life of integrity upon step-by-step.

We’ve found that some progress each day is very effective for trying to reshape your approach to life in this specific area...that’s the impactful idea behind our approach.

So click the button below and get started on your quest for the peace and confidence you've been looking for.


40-Days of Purity for Women

Biblical principles for living every day in sexual integrity.

BONUS HELP: This course is self-paced over 40 days, but if you ever have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] or 210-822-8201. Of course, it’s also yours for life to review as often as you’d like.

WE GUARANTEE IT: If you complete this course and do not believe it was worth it, we will gladly refund your money without asking a question.


Counselor Kimberly Johnson

Kimberly is the founder of Divine Identity Ministry. In addition to counseling she has traveled nation wide sharing her testimony with thousands. She teaches on all areas of sexual brokenness for large or small group events, and is a published author. Kimberly's knowledge and experience come from not only the hundreds of stories she has heard, but from letting Jesus walk with her on her own path of healing from abuse, sexual addiction, and an unwanted same sex attraction. She believes that it is her life calling to make a difference in the areas of sexual and relational brokenness.