Addressing Curiosity About Sex

One of the primary reasons kids are exposed to sexualized media is when they have questions about their body, sex, or slang words and they do not feel comfortable asking their parent. We want to help you avoid that pitfall by helping you and your child talk through their questions as they arise.

This course has a section for young kids (ages 5-7), middle children (ages 8-11), and adolescents (ages 12-18). You have permanent access to all sections so you can return to this course as your child ages.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. How to Use This Course

    1. Children are Curious

    2. Children Need Answers

    3. Opportunities for Discipleship

    4. Prepared, not Scared

    5. Understanding God's Design

    6. His Design Applied

    7. Hope for Your Children

    8. Parent Challenge 1

    1. What You Were Taught

    2. Parent Challenge 2

    3. Honesty With Yourself

    4. Parent Challenge 3

    5. Beliefs About Curiosity

    1. Body Parts

    2. Family Challenge 1

    3. Pause

    4. Privacy and Respect

    5. Family Challenge 2

    6. Pause

    7. Affection and Consent

    8. Family Challenge 3

    9. Pause

    10. Asking Questions

    11. Family Challenge 4

    12. Pause

    13. The Goodness of Curiosity

    14. Family Challenge 5

    15. Pause

    16. What to do from Here (Parents Only)

    17. Additional Resources

    1. Mechanics of Sex

    2. Family Challenge 1

    3. Pause

    4. Making Wise Choices

    5. Family Challenge 2

    6. Pause

    7. Consent & Respect in Relationships

    8. Family Challenge 3

    9. Pause

    10. Approaching Puberty

    11. Family Challenge 4

    12. Pause

    13. Answering Your Questions

    14. Family Challenge 5

    15. Additional Resources

    1. Conversation About Sex is Good

    2. Family Challenge 1

    3. Pause

    4. Broken Desires

    5. Family Challenge 2

    6. Where to Go For Information

    7. Family Challenge 3

    8. Healthy Relationships

    9. Family Challenge 4

    10. Curiosity Leads Us

    11. Family Challenge 5

    12. Optional Additional Activity

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 61 lessons

BONUS HELP: If you ever have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] or 210-822-8201. As always, Pure Life Academy courses are yours for life and can be reviewed as often as you’d like.

WE GUARANTEE IT: If you complete this course and do not believe worth it, we will gladly refund your money without asking a question. So click the button below and get started on your quest for the peace and confidence you've been looking for.

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Instructor Kristen Miele

Kristen Miele has been educating youth on the topic of sex for 15 year in hundreds of diverse settings including 2 different countries. Her experience is with ages 3 and up on content related to sex and sexuality. Kristen has a Bachelor’s and MastersImageof Science in Community Health from the University of Illinois and is a Certified Health Education Specialist (NCHEC). Kristen has two daughters and has been married since 2012. She owns Sex Ed Reclaimed.