Sexual Integrity on Missions

for college students on short term missions

As a young adult, we do not expect that you have attained perfect integrity in your sexuality. Hopefully you have made strides in that direction, but we want to be realistic in expectations of how far you may have matured toward sexual wholeness. 

However, to be most effective in your ministry efforts while on missions it is best if you are not distracted by lust and unwanted sexual behaviors. Part of preparing to serve others is to prepare yourself to be undistracted as you meet the needs of those God sent you to help.

In addition, you need to be prepared for new levels of temptation that you may experience a stressful environment. Anyone who has ever been in ministry will tell you that it comes with its own unique pressures we typically do not expect. Even if you have made great progress in your integrity to this point you can expect to face increased levels of temptation of one kind or another while on mission.

Finally, it is common for us to face sexual temptations in another culture that we are not prepared for. Being in a culture with very different views on morality can trigger heightened and even new forms of temptation. It is wise to prepare for this, so that we can be effective rather than hampered by the distraction of fantasy and lust.

This course will give you tools to anticipate and prepare to face  difficult feelings and temptations that arise while on mission.

Integrity on Missions Instructors

Pure Life Academy Instructor John Fort

John Fort is the Director of Training for Be Broken. He is also the co-founder and board member of the annual Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit.

He speaks nationally on pornography addiction recovery and parenting for purity issues. He is the author Father-Son Accountability: Integrity Through Relationship and Honest Talk: A New Perspective on Talking to Your Kids About Sex and is a regular blogger on Covenant Eyes and Protect Young Minds.

Pure Life Academy Instructor Shandra Galloway

Shandra Galloway is a Jesus follower and abolitionist who believes that students have the power to change the world. To this end, she has worked with CRU mobilizing students for nearly three decades in over eight different countries. She currently directs the House of Light and Ghana project, which partners with the International Justice Mission to provide restoration for youth rescued from human trafficking. She moved from Italy to Portland nine years ago and even though Tuscan cuisine is her true love in the kitchen, she enjoys utilizing local flavors and food to connect with people.