Understanding Sexual Temptation
For ages 13-18. Help your adolescent understand four reasons they experience sexual temptation and concrete ways to resist it.
Sexual temptation may be one of the most difficult aspects of sexuality for a parent or educator to discuss with adolescents. This course investigates four specific problems that can lead to sexual temptation in teens and pre-teens. We also look at ways parents can assist children to more easily resist and avoid sexual temptation. This course is designed for a parent and child to view together.
This course was designed for us in a class setting or with a group of students. The course includes a handout with discussion questions and the course will pause for discussion four times.
You may also use these questions as discussion points between a parent and child at home.
Your Body's Reaction
Arousal, Temptation, & Lust
Question Set 1
Reasons Teenagers Give in to Temptation
The Harms of Porn
How Pornography Harms Human Brains
How Brain Changes Affect You
Question Set 2
Peer Pressure
Question Set 3
Compulsive Behavior
One Teen's Story
Identify Your Painful Emotions
Emotional Resilience
Tips to Deal With Temptation
Question Set 4
Ages 11-18
He has a background in science education at the secondary school level and online corporate training for high-tech corporations. His own sexual brokenness derailed his former career. However, after 30 years of recovery God led John to helping others break free from sexual brokenness and pursue sexual integrity, where he has served in ministry since 2008. John is the author or co-author of over 10 books including Father-Son Accountability: Integrity Through Relationship and Honest Talk: A New Perspective on Talking to Your Kids About Sex.